Saturday, 10 May 2014

Creativity is being used in schools and education

Ben Mill - Guest Lecturer

                                                                                                                        Schools Climbing Wall

Teacher at Ashgrove school, a specialist provision school for children aged 3-19 years old with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD).

How do the school create an Environment that fosters creativity?
« Freedom  - to experiment and make mistakes
« Time to think
« Space - to make a mess and to able to move freely
« Opportunities - debates and discussions
« Access to a wealth of media on multitude subjects
« Access to resources - ensure they are taught to use them effectively
« Relaxed and friendly staff

The school uses creativity to create a fun and stimulating learning environment. One important point which Ben expressed numerous times throughout the presentation was the children were given the choice. E.g. Christmas concerts, choice of media. The children are given the authority to have a say in what they learn and how their work is presented, this degree of freedom of choice is one of the reason their choice of how to run a classroom is successful. 
How do the school use technology creatively? 
« Devote the majority of lesson time to experimentation
« Use technology which is an appropriate level for age
« Use technology which is cheap and open source
« Use technology which is engaging and fun
« Teach skills - including teaching how to use these skills

One of the big things the school is known for is its use of technology with their education. The school uses a variation of technology and media to promote and put to test the children's creativity and imagination. The technology and media is not only used in the children's lesson time but can be used if chosen and deemed to be useful in the annual school Christmas concerts or events. 

This is one of things I found interesting about the school is it's use of technology incorporated into every subject and it's use of new technology which I didn't know existed. 

Designed specially for 8-16 years but is being used by many around the world. Scratch is an online community where children can use their imagination to create stories, games and animations by programming. This programme helps children to "think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically".

Makey Makey
Created by two graduate students, the Makey Makey can be used by anyone. An invention kit for the 21st century, which turns everyday objects (which can conduct electricity) into touch pads. The kits include a Makey Makey, alligator clips and an USB Cable and needs internet to work. 

I believe the use of this level of technology in education is an fun and effective way of engaging children, and incorporating and promoting creativity into the curriculum. This can help implant the basis of skills and knowledge which will be needed by them in their future due to ever evolving world of technology.


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